Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Supergods / Grant Morrison

Supergods: what masked vigilantes, miraculous mutants, and a sun god from Smallville can teach us about being human by Grant Morrison. 461 p.
I enjoyed Morrison's discussions of the history of comics, and his interpretations of trends in comics writing are always entertaining, even when I don't totally buy his arguments. Of course, since Morrison himself has been writing comics for some years, a lot of the latter portion of the book involves issues and history that he's a part of. Still interesting to read about--but he spends a lot of time on his own biography, which I found much less interesting, since that wasn't what I was reading the book for. On the other hand, I have a friend who was only interested in the Morrison-talks-about-himself parts and found the rest pretty boring. I'm not sure if that means at least one part of this book is guaranteed to annoy all readers, or if I just don't know anyone who's the target audience for both parts.

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