Monday, August 22, 2011

Wicked Plants

Wicked Plants: the weed that killed Lincoln's mother & other biological atrocities by Amy Stewart  235 pp.
The gist of this book is that darn near every plant has at least some part of it that can be dangerous or deadly, even the ones we commonly eat. It is written in an engaging manner that introduces the reader to common and uncommon plants that may grow in your own yard or in a far away jungle. Many are mildly dangerous, causing discomfort, rashes (like the bane of my existence, poison ivy), or other allergy symptoms. Others are so dangerous even a  minor encounter can result in serious illness or even death. You may have some of the toxic offenders blooming prettily in your flower beds. Included are tales of how various plants have caused illness and death or, as in the case of Mussolini's men using castor oil, used for torture. There's a lot of information packed in this small book and it's written in an engaging way. This is a worthwhile read for anyone who gardens.

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