Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Psychiatric Tales

Psychiatric Tales by Darryl Cunningham  139 pp.

This book is subtitled: eleven graphic stories about mental illness. The author uses his experiences working as a psychiatric nurse to present different mental illnesses, symptoms, causes, treatments, and case stories taken from his work. It covers depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, dementia, cutting, suicide,famous people with mental illness, and more. It ends with the author depicting his own struggles with severe anxiety and depression and how it caused a four year gap from the time he began this book until he finished it. Throughout, Cunningham includes a call for people to understand that mental problems are an illness just like any physical ailment and an end to the stigma that causes people to shy away from the mentally ill when they typically support and aid those with physical ailments. This is a very dark book about a dark subject and the simplified black and white drawings portray the subject matter well.

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