Friday, August 12, 2011

Batman: Bruce Wayne, Fugitive, vol. 3

Batman: Bruce Wayne, Fugitive vol 3; graphic novel; 176 pages

This volume mainly consists of Batman mopping up after the rest of the story. Part of that mans protecting the real murderer from the hit on him while he's en route to his trial. Another big chunk of this story is taken up by Batman's desire to set things right between himself and Sasha, his bodyguard/protegee, who was wrongly accused of the murder. The ending to that particular arc felt a little flat, but that could be because I missed the beginning of this story, when their relationship was formed.

Overall, the best part of this book was actually a stand-alone issue I'd read before, in a best of Batman collection: "24/7" tells the story of a typical day in the life of Bruce Wayne/Batman. Basically, it's about how awesome Batman is, but also what a great person Wayne is when he's just himself. It's a little warm and fuzzy for Batman, but it's a nice palette cleanser for this otherwise dark and violent story.

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