Thursday, August 11, 2011

Elvis and Olive Super Detectives by Stephanie Watson 277 pages

Natalie and Annie are best friends despite many background differences. Natalie attends a private school; Annie attends public school. She lives with a foster mother after her mother abandoned her and her brother also left. Natalie's dream is to win a school election and become Secretary and run the school store possibly with her "crush", Albert. Annie tries to help Natalie reach her goal. Annie dreams of finding her mom. They start their own detective agency and start helping in the neighborhood with small problems. By the end, their sleuthing has a major impact on the lives of their neighbors. Some serious issues, banned books, Alzheimer's, child abandonment, are raised and dealt with in an almost gentle way. Their is no easy answer for Annie, but the conclusion feels right. Their friendship survives a few bumps and even Natalie gets her "dream" even though she loses the election. This has heart and a lot more depth than most children's mysteries.

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