Monday, August 22, 2011

Heartless/Gail Carriger

Heartless by Gail Carriger (Parasol Protectorate book 4); steampunk, urban fantasy, alternate history; 400 pages

If you haven't read any of these yet, you totally should, but be sure to start with the first book, Soulless. This volume picks up about six months after the third volume: Alexia is eight months pregnant, and dodging assassination attempts from various supernatural groups. Soon, though, she hears of a plot to murder the Queen! Never one to be sidelined (even by limited mobility and a sprained ankle), Alexia vows to uncover the plot, even if it means delving into the history of her own adopted werewolf pack.

This book was every bit as witty and fun as the other have been. While the big action sequence at the end felt a little contrived, I was willing to overlook that in view of how much fun I was having. These books are like candy--quick, sugary, and not too substantial. Can't wait to read the next installment!

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