Saturday, April 9, 2011

Inside the Onion

Inside the Onion/Howard Nemerov 63 pg.

It is poetry month and who better to read than our own Howard Nemerov? Let me tell you something about these poems...some of them might not be very politically correct. This probably shocks you but it didn't me. After all, they were written in an almost ancient era...published in 1984. I could not even find a picture of the cover on the Internet. That is how far away 1984 is...but the cover is just a drawing of a cut onion so you aren't missing out on much. But back to the poetry. Howard Nemerov is one of the greats and I'm sure that this is great stuff and I can even understand some of it (after looking up a few words) so I'm glad I read it. Maybe this poetry thing will continue to get easier the more I read.

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