Monday, July 19, 2010

Stork Raving Mad / Donna Andrews

Stork Raving Mad by Donna Andrews (a Meg Langslowe mystery #12). 309 p.

This is lightweight, "cozy"mystery series. Meg is a blacksmith with a large assortment of odd relatives and an amazingly tolerant husband. She's the organized one amidst the large assortment of crazy people surrounding her. In this particular volume Meg is 8 and a half months pregnant with twins, has a house full of college students bunking while their dorm heating is fixed (her husband is a professor), and her mother is trying to redecorate the nursery. Then a hated college administrator shows up and gets murdered in her library.

These books don't have particularly strong mysteries, of course; the pleasure is in revisiting the characters. This one has a pretty good balance of cameos by ongoing characters without overdoing the wacky hijinks. A light, pleasant, fun read.

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