Thursday, July 1, 2010

Death Note / Elizabeth Lowell

Death Note by Elizabeth Lowell. 392 p.

So this was...dull. Not bad, just dull. It involves a yacht, which may or may not be stolen, and a lot of talking. Lots and lots and lots of talking. Most of the "action" involves...boating, with a large side of male-protagonist-teaches-female-protagonist-to-drive-the-boat. (I thought you "piloted" a boat, but they "drive" this one.) Since I am not interested in details of boating, I found most of that pretty dull too. There's one fight scene near the end, but that's it. Otherwise it's various factions lying to each other about what's going on, and Our Heroes trying to figure out who's lying the most. Also, all of the characters have the same speech patterns. Not to mention the choppiness of the main narrative. Even the UST (unresolved sexual tension) gets resolved off screen, which is kind of weird since Elizabeth Lowell made her name originally as a romance writer. Oh well, let's just say this one was not for me.

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