Monday, May 16, 2011

Knockin' Boots by Tracy Price-Thompson p. 286

Kevin, Fancy, Sparkle, and Emile are all in or married to someone in the military. They all tell their side of the story. Kevin is a sex addict who brings his wife into all his crazy fantasies and she goes along with it (and likes it most of the time). Fancy is trying to deal with being married to Kevin (she does not know he is a sex addict) and her best friend's (Sparkle) issues. Sparkle dates as many men as she can but when she meets the right one, she is not sure how to handle it. He is everything she could ever want but there's one thing she can't seem to deal with. Emile has a problem with black women and does not respect them at all. He dates a white women but he learns a valuable lesson.
This book was very enjoyable. So many unpredicatable things happened it was hard to put down. This book dealt with real issues as well such as safe sex, drugs, and race issues.

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