Monday, January 3, 2011

Peiling and the Chicken-Fried Christmas

Peiling and the Chicken-Fried Christmas by Paula Chen 133 pg.

This holiday juvenile fiction read is a wonderful book club choice. A perfect book club discussion because there are many different holidays celebrated during the season and this book touches on some of them. Peiling and her family are from Taiwan and they don't celebrate Christmas. Every year during the holidays she feels tremendous peer pressure from the majority and always feels left out. It really hits home for her when she has to return to school after the holiday break and everyone is talking about how their Christmas break was and what gifts they received. Peiling's wish is to celebrate an old fashion American Christmas with all the traditional trimmings. However, when her father finally gives in and grants her wish, she gets so caught up on making everything so perfect that she forgets what the real purpose of the holidays are. When her plans don't go so well, she realizes that it's not about your nationality or what holiday you celebrate, instead the holidays are about being with family and friends, enjoying each other, and feeling at home. A really funny story with some heart touching moments, and a great message to readers.

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