Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cake Pops by Bakerella / Angie Dudley 159 p.

A how-to guide for making little cake desserts on sticks that are so adorable you want to squeal as you page through the book. The trick, apparently, is to bake a box cake, crumble it into very fine crumbs, and mix it with a precise amount of canned frosting. When chilled, the resulting delectable glop can be easily molded into hearts or ghosts or Easter chicks and dipped into a glaze coating and decorated. The problem is, I don't know whether this happens easily or not because I was too cowardly to try. I have a feeling that my kids and I would have gotten as far as mixing in the icing, then we would have broken out the spoons and finished it off before we ever got around to decorating. I actually read most of this and will take credit for 100 pages.

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