Friday, December 28, 2012

Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart

Now Is the Time to Open Your Heart by Alice Walker  213 pp.

Kate, an aging writer, inspired by Walker's own grandmother, leaves her current partner to go on a soul-searching journey of self-discovery. She goes white water rafting on the Colorado River and then to work with a shaman in the Amazon. She experiences psychic journeys after drinking an herbal mixture the Amazon natives call "Grandmother" and discovers a calling to heal. While she is on her journeys, her partner, Yolo, goes on his own trip to Hawaii, where he encounters a kahuna who gives him the task of ending his own addictions and helping others to end theirs. This book is one where you will either "get it" or not. If you get it, it is a fascinating story, rich with meaning. If you don't, you'll just be be confused.

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