Thursday, July 7, 2011

Castle Waiting by Linda Medley

Castle Waiting by Linda Medley, Graphic Novel, 457 pages.
Medley's graphic novel takes place in Sleeping Beauty’s castle after she has run off with Prince Charming. The residents of the castle behind the wall of thorns tell their stories to one another. There are only three of the castle's original inhabitants left; SB's former ladies in waiting. The steward of the castle, Rackham, arrived long ago, and the other current residents arrived sometime between the introductory passages and when the story really begins. It begins when Jain, expecting a child and on the run from a mysterious husband, journeys to the legendary castle where all are welcome. The princess is now long gone, as are most of the castle's original residents. Poltersprites, lupins, hobgoblins, nisken, and the like infest the castle and torment those who dwell there. And though the art has an almost sinister look, the vague threats are never realized and it is mostly a happy place. I enjoyed this and look forward to reading the second volume. This was recommended by Cindy D. and Nancy Pearl.

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