Saturday, July 30, 2011

Batman: The Widening Gyre/Kevin Smith

Batman: The Widening Gyre vol 1, by Kevin Smith, et al.; graphic novel; 200 pages

After the terrible reviews of Smith's last Batman story arc, I admit I was a little nervous about picking this up. However, this turned out to be a pretty entertaining look at the Dark Knight. In his afterward, Smith refers to this story as Batman's mid-life crisis: he sees Tim Drake "pulling a Nightwing" soon, and leaving his side to fight crime solo. Also, a new, younger superhero has started appearing in Gotham--maybe someone who could one day replace Batman? At the same time, Silver St. Cloud, one of Bruce Wayne's old flings (who knows about his double life as Batman), shows up, and starts making noises about getting serious about their relationship.

Yeah, when I sum it up like that, this volume sounds kind of lame. But Smith peppers the story with enough inside jokes and great one-liners to keep things interesting. My one complaint was that it was really, really weird to see Bruce Wayne smiling so much in this volume, but I see that changing in part two. Yes, there's a part two. And I promise, however bored you might get with the Batman-dating storyline, after the last panel in this arc, you're going to be dying for the next volume. I know I am....

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