Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sophomore Year (Vampire High) by Douglas Rees 247 pages

Yes, another vampire book. Actually this was pretty fun. Cody Elliot, who we first met in Vampire High and is NOT a vampire would be all psyched for sophomore year at Vlad (high school for vampires!) except for the arrival of Turk, his very colorfully goth, rebellious cousin. After being expelled from yet another school, his family seems to be the last hope for her. She creates hostility be being rude to his girlfriend, a vampire princess and the duke of vampires at the school. However, she wants a gallery for her artistic creations and discovers an abandoned warehouse that would be perfect....except that it is in the next community that has a horrible prior history in which many of the ancestors of Cody's friends were tortured and slain. Quirky and well-developed characters.

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