Sunday, March 27, 2011

How I became a famous novelist

How I became a famous novelist / Steve Hely 322 pg.

This book is a hilarious send up of novels and writing with a little saved for publishers and movie makers. Our hero Pete Tarslaw gets laid off from his job and an announcement that his college girl friend is engaged. To say Pete has not set the world on fire sort of understates the magnitude of his laziness but now jobless and jealous, he sets out to write a novel and meet his goals of 1. Fame, 2. Financial comfort 3. Own a stately home by the ocean 4. Humiliate Polly (ex girlfriend) at her wedding. I don't think I spoil anything by saying that Pete writes his novel and maybe meets at least parts of his 4 goal plan.

The blurb on the cover says "I was turning the pages so fast they nearly burst into flames" - The Brooklyn Alternative. I didn't turn them quite that fast but that is because I was savoring them a little more than that speed would allow. - Christa

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