Monday, October 3, 2016

Thomas Jefferson: the art of power

Thomas Jefferson: the art of power / Jon Meacham 807 pgs.

Our third president did some great things for this country...the Louisiana purchase comes to mind, the Lewis and Clark expedition, and funding the navy.  Personally he loathed face to face conflict, he was a great conversationalist and a caring friend.  On the other hand, he seemed to not overthink going against his beliefs for the benefit of political expediency.  He, several times, became obsessed with married women and became what we might describe as a "stalker" pursuing these women aggressively.  A devoted family man, at least to the children and grandchildren of his short but happy marriage (Jefferson was widowed after eleven years) to Martha Wayles. Jefferson also probably fathered six children with Sally Hemings.  The book does not delve deeply into this relationship but acknowledges it and tells what is known about those six children.

A well done biography that delves deeply into the personality, beliefs and power of the third president.

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