Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Middleman

The Middleman by Olen Steinhauer, read by Ari Fliakos 360 pgs.

If you have ever read and enjoyed some spy fiction in your life, I will insist that you start reading Steinhauer.  His earlier books are fabulous, this book is perhaps his best yet.  The young followers of the Massive Brigade are gaining power as more believers join.    What are they planning?  What is going to happen?  Charismatic leaders Martin Bishop and Ben Mittag are under observation by the F.B.I. and all are wondering what is coming. Then they disappear into the weeds with 400+ followers.  Agent Rachel Proulx has been investigating the group and is now looking for them.  The bureau  has an agent on the inside but aren't hearing from him.  Then there is action.  Four congresspeople are shot on July 4.  What happens next is so fast paced and full of intrigue that I won't even waste your time with a summary.  Suffice it to say, there is a LOT going on around the world and many intersecting governments, people, and movements.  Absolutely fabulous.  Ari Fliakos is perfect as narrator.

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