Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Norse Mythology

Norse Mythology, Neil Gaiman, 304 pages

Neil Gaiman has created a place for himself in writing modern fairy tales and myths. His work with Stardust and Neverwhere delighted and teased adult perceptions of how mythology works.While he works with traditional Norse mythology here, his introduction reminds us that these are stories that he has adapted in his own way, not just faithful recreations. This is most evident in his language choices, with one of my favorite lines having been, "Shut up, Thor." The book is wonderfully set up as a series of short stories, making it a quick and enjoyable read. If I had one complaint, it is that I finished the book wanting more.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book! Neil Gaiman records the audiobook (available through Overdrive) and it is absolutely hilarious.
