Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The fifth risk

The fifth risk / Michael Lewis, 221 pgs.

Nothing is more exciting to me than a new book by Michael Lewis, even one like this that makes it hard to sleep at night.  The one line description given in Novelist "What are the consequences if the people given control over our government have no idea how it works?" is pretty perfect.  The federal government is massive.  It does a ton of stuff and there aren't many who really understand it all but we have always had people who understand parts, especially the part they worked in.  These days, not so much.  First off, the Trump team didn't actually SHOW UP after the election.  When they did finally make it to some departments, they threw away the briefing books that were prepared for them and asked questions about who studied climate science.  Most department rosters are still not complete.  Despite being somewhat depressing, Lewis finishes with stories about the great work that DOES occur within the government.  He talks about the people who have willingly devoted their lives to public service and are proud of it.  I wish all the government haters out there would read this book.

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