Monday, June 14, 2010

Methland / Nick Reding

Methland: the death and life of an American small town

Per Christa's recommendation I decided to read Methland. In Methland, St. Louis-native author Chris Reding reports on four years spent travelling among several Midwest towns researching their deterioration in the 80's and 90's with the rise of "the most American drug," crystal methamphetamine. Redland follows up with several key characters over this time 4-year time period to discuss their account of life in rural America and the role meth has played in shaping who they are today.

I found this book to be quite shocking at times, cringing and squirming in my comfy chair as I read some of the ghastly things addicts have done after they've been strung out on meth for weeks on end with no sleep. Living in Missouri we are probably all aware that our home state has the highest number of mom and pop meth labs compared the rest of the nation, but did you know we take this title by a landslide? For real.

It is very depressing to see how a great number of people in our country, and all over the world, have been impacted by drugs like meth. If you're interested in contemplating the many facets of drug addiction or intimately experiencing the effects of meth -just short of touching the stuff yourself - read this book!

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