Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fallen/Lauren Kate

Fallen by Lauren Kate; young adult; 452 pages

When you have a book called "Fallen," with characters like Gabrielle, Luce, Daniel Grigori, and "Cam" Briel, it's not too hard to figure out the plot. So the fact that the main character couldn't figure out she was surrounded by angels really got to me. I spent most of the book silently snarling at her to wake up, which didn't happen until the very, very end (last 40 pages). Ugh. Otherwise, this is a good read, but clearly riding on Twilight's success. Most of the book is the two main characters being Mysteriously Drawn to One Another, but unable to be together, for theirs is a Forbidden Love. Yeah , okay, I'm getting kind of snarky as a think about it. I read it quickly, and I enjoyed it, but I enjoyed it in the way you really enjoy s'mores: a little is good, but too much and the sugar overwhelms. Also, it's the first in a series, so there's more to come.

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