Friday, June 12, 2015

The real doctor will see you shortly

The real doctor will see you shortly / Matt McCarthy 323 pages.

Ever wonder what happens following graduation from medical school?  The graduates are now called "Doctor" but they haven't ever really seen any patients.  Now they start a residency and on day 1, they start actually DOING things.  This is the story of one guys first year and it is amazing.  Dr. McCarthy's candor is refreshing, his fear of pretty much everything is overwhelming. The holes in his education are a bit frightening.  But he dives right in and starts to figure things out.  But not before bursting into tears in front of a patient. Not before stitching up a banana peel. Not before he suffers from impostor syndrome, misses a potentially fatal item during a write up and then sticks himself with a needle full of an HIV patients blood.

This book is wonderful, terrifying and highly recommended.

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