Friday, February 4, 2011

Unincorporated persons in the late Honda dynasty

Unincorporated persons in the late Honda dynasty: poems by Tony Hoagland 90 pg.

Confession time: I just don't get poetry. I tried, I studied it in college, I've checked out several books from our extensive poetry dice. But since confession is supposed to be good for the soul, I am trying to find a category I can WIN in this contest here at UCPL and participation points seem to be the only option for me. To that end, I'm starting my quest to read approved lists to gather up participation points....and I'm starting with poetry since it is the shortest list.

Wow, all that off my shoulders, now I have to tell you that Tony Hoagland is my kind of poet. I figured I would get through one or 2 poems a day but was set on continuing to work at it in pursuit of the points but somewhere along the way I realized...Hey, I GET what this guy is trying to say or at least the easiest part of what he is trying to say. After all, he has a poem called Cement Truck if that isn't a topic for the rest of us, what is? Sure everything probably has 14 levels of hidden meaning (that all seem to end up being about sex) like other poetry but I like to stay on the surface and there is plenty here for me to skate around on. So for now, Tony Hoagland, you are my favorite poet! - Christa

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