Sunday, April 9, 2017

Get well soon

Get well soon: history's worst plagues and the heroes who fought them / Jennifer Wright, 322 pgs.

Read by Gabra Zackman

I read some of the reviews of this book and several describe it as "lighthearted."  On the one hand, I see where they are coming from because the author makes some unexpected comments and some can certainly be seen as funny...but just how hilarious can it be when you are talking about millions of people suffering and dying from horrible medical conditions?  Each chapter in this book takes a look at a specific plague and how it was spread, how it was dealt with and the horrible repercussions of the aftermath on the population and history in general. The premise is simple, a horrible plague develops, there is some background on how it spread, how it was treated, how the society responded to it and who stepped up to help.  It is interested to see the same themes over and over.  Effective leadership in the times of plague do well to clear the bodies and figure out how to treat the ill.  Reading along, you realize that some ancient plagues may have been handled better than modern ones.  Maybe that reality won't sit well with everyone.

I listened to the audiobook and it was great.  Gabra Zackman does a wonderful job of making you want to continue listening.

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