Sunday, May 2, 2010

White Noise by Don DeLilo-326 pages

Some kid at school sad "Ugh, I hated reading this book for AP, take it off my hands." So I did. And I read it in four days (which for a kid juggling her dream job at the library and way too much homework is impressive). It's an amazing book. "White Noise," a commentary on the absurdity of modern life, deals with the biggies--death, humanity, intimacy, etc. But it's so touching to me. I don't know. Some people I know hated it because it was mostly a mental train of thought, but I thought the relationships between the characters and the emotional journey of the main character were incredible. Speaking of which...the main character is Jack Gladney, a professor of Hitler Studies. His friend Murray is a professor of pop culture and basically thinks everything from tabloids to hair dye is religion. Everything goes awry when a mysterious cloud of toxic Nyodene D is released over Gladney's town, and he gets two and a half minutes of exposure :O's amazing

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