Saturday, May 15, 2010

Trickster's Queen/Tamora Pierce

Trickster's Queen (Daughter of the Lioness, book 2), by Tamora Pierce; young adult, fantasy; 496 pages

I actually read this, instead of listening (the audio was checked out), so it went a little faster. Of course, I'm having lots of fun this this series, so it was already going pretty fast. This is the conclusion of the series, and it's juggling a much more complex plot, as the conspiracy to overthrow the current rules comes to a head. There were times where I got a little lost in all the unfamiliar names and huge numbers of minor characters, but fortunately there's a glossary in the back of the book, and I made heavy use of it. This brings me up to date on Tamora Pierce's Torall books (I won't read her current series until the final book comes out next year), but I've enjoyed them so much I think I may have to read her other series as well.

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