Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Midnight Line

The Midnight Line by Lee Child, 368 pages.

The 22nd Jack Reacher novel tones it down a little bit. Reacher's on a quest to return a West Point ring to an officer who graduated in 2005 and then somehow lost the ring. During that quest he injures fewer people than normal and the sex scenes are muted. Yay. During the course of the book Reacher mentions that he would have graduated eight years before that, so 1997. The first Reacher novel was written in 1997 and he was already retired from the Army, so, I don't know, maybe I read it wrong. There are several scenes where the people with whom Reacher would normally fight and whom he would normally stomp, elbow, and headbutt into submission or the hospital choose to walk away. And he lets them. Sure, he does eventually lead one of them to his death, so to speak, but someone else kills that person, while trying to kill Reacher. A decent addition to a long-running series.

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