Monday, August 6, 2012

The Well of Ascension/Brandon Sanderson

The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson (Misborn book 2); fantasy; 592 pages (about 24 hours on CD)

Finished up the second book of Sanderson's Mistborn series this weekend, and can't wait to dig into the third volume.  This book picks up just months after the end of the last novel, with Eland Venture struggling to unite the people of his small kingdom, while fighting the neighboring kingdoms that have arisen in the absence of the Lord Ruler.  Vin, meanwhile, meets another Mistborn, who claims to understand her in ways that Eland never can. 

Loved this book.  It feels like there's more action in this volume than the last one, though that could be because this book's action is on a more epic scale (instead of fighting one assassin on a rooftop, for instance, Vin fights ten).  Sanderson really has kicked the stakes up a notch here, both politically and emotionally (much of this book features Vin and Eland feeling insecure about their relationship--though I never really believed that Vin would leave Eland for Zane-the-Sociopath).  There were lots of unexpected turns, and more than one character that I hope to see again in the third volume.  When I went to request the third book in this series, I accidentally caught a glimpse of the jacket description, which I thought had spoiled me for the end of book two; fear not!  Even expecting part of the ending, there's a whole other section that caught me off guard, and leaves me dying to know what happens next. 

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