Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Niceville by Carsten Stroud  385 pp.

The town of Niceville belies its name. It is anything but. The story opens with the disappearance of a young boy. On a store security camera he is there one second and simply gone the next. This is followed up by a bank robbery and the subsequent sniper killing of several police officers and the occupants of a news helicopter. Soon there are more surrealistic disappearances and deaths. Added to that are the creepy old man who videotaped his daughters in the bath, a dentist who over-gasses his female patients and photographs them in compromising positions, a bitter, divorced hacker who is stirring up trouble for all sorts of people, crooked & murderous cops, a mysterious family feud going back generations, a stolen top secret weapon, and a mysterious "bottomless" pit the Native Americans consider to be a source of evil. You never know what is coming next. But it's not all doom and gloom. Pockets of black humor lighten the mood even if it's a drunken father “teaching his toddler how to pull-start a gas-powered weed whacker” with the warning: “It wasn’t going to end well.” It's a great story.

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