Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Radiance / Catherynne M. Valente, 289 p. (of 429)

I really, really wanted to like this book. The setting is fabulous--our solar system, but other planets are liveable! in cool and interesting ways!--and I've always meant to read this author, who gets lots of raves. But boy did I bounce hard off of this book. The story isn't linear (which I like fine), and is told by various narrators, sometimes through ephemera such as gossip columns, sometimes in first person by characters (which I also enjoy as a technique)--but I just can't make myself care about the narrative as a whole. There's a mystery about what happened to documentary filmmaker Severin Unck, whose father is a famous director of gothic romance films, but I couldn't stick it out to discover any revelations. The book is very well written--I'll definitely try other books by Valente--but this one is just Not For Me.

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