Sunday, May 22, 2016

Listen Liberal

Listen liberal or what ever happened to the party of the people? / Thomas Frank 305 pgs.

Thomas Frank writes a depressing book about the state of a current "big issues", income inequality.  A topic we hear about over and over again and how we need to deal with it but what is being done?  Frank dissects the disservice of the democratic party who has spend years dismantling welfare, betraying unions and generally, becoming convinced that education and innovation will solve everything.  Unfortunately, innovation seems to be making the average worker less necessary, not more.  And lets face it, we are not all innovators and entrepreneurs.  Frank doesn't have any solutions but points out we are not moving in the right direction.

I have some minor quibbles with what Frank says here but still find it amazing that teachers are being targeted around the the country as part of the problem with their high pay and benefits.  Scary stuff.

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