Saturday, December 21, 2013

Once a spy

Once a Spy by Keith Thomson 324 pgs.

Drummond Clark is the early onset Alzheimer father of Charlie whose once a year phone call satisfies his need for contact with his father.  Charlie is, perhaps, not your model son.  He has a gambling problem and owes big bucks to a Russian mobster.  He is looking for a way out of his predicament when he gets a call from a social worker.  His father has wandered off and will need care.  When father and son get together, they start an action packed memorable week where they are being hunted by Drummond's former employer, the CIA.  Of course Charlie always bought the cover story, that his dad was an appliance salesman and a bit of an absentee father, and his mother died when he was a young boy.  Charlie is in for a lot of surprises as he and his dad defy the odds and make discoveries about Drummond's true feelings and why things seem the way they do.  This book is action packed and the premise is great.

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