Monday, November 22, 2010

Relapse/Nikki Turner

Relapse by Nikki Turner; urban fiction; 304 pages

This was my first encounter reading urban fiction, and for the most part, I liked it. I realize this isn't the best example of the genre--most of the reviews I've read agree with me that the ending is weak and the story loses some focus about halfway though. However, that doesn't stop it from being an action-packed, drama-filled story about one young woman making her mark on the world. Beijing Lee is THE concierge at one of the top hotels in the nation. She can get anything for anyone, and does, no matter what she has to do. I admit, one of my favorite parts of this book was seeing how smoothly Beijing dealt with her clients' outrageous requests. Of course, there's romance (Beijing has a number of men interested in her throughout the book), action (kidnapping, shootings, robbery, and getaways), and family drama as well, all adding up to a really entertaining read.

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