Sunday, November 28, 2010

Grave Goods / Ariana Franklin 336 p.

From the Mistress of the Art of Death series, in which Adelia Aguilar is medieval England's answer to Quincy, M.E. (OK, my TV references are a little dated.) Here Adelia is set the task of determining whether 2 skeletons buried deep under Glastonbury Abbey are the lost corpses of Arthur and Guinevere. In the course of the complex plot Adelia meets a German knight of superhuman skill, a band of thieves with hearts of gold, and a psychotic forest dweller and his truly bizarre ex-priest fellow savage. The story is completely improbable - could that really be Excalibur they've found in that mossy cave? - but the plot is carefully constructed and held my interest. The audio reader, Kate Reading, was especially good.

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