Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rex Libris: The Book of Monsters, by James Turner

Rex Libris vol 2: The Book of Monsters by James Turner; graphic novel; 240 pages

I adored the first volume in this series, but was disappointed by the second. Maybe my tastes have changed in the year between readings, but I felt like they were trying just a little too hard in this story. The story basically amounts to Rex fighting one bad guy or monster after another, for two hundred pages. The names and looks of the monsters get increasingly outrageous, until they just all sort of blur together. For me, the best parts were the scenes set in the library, but they were few and far between. As I did with the first volume, I started skipping the "editor's" comments at the beginning of each chapter, and I thought it improved the narrative. I'm sad to see this series go, but I can understand why it never found its audience.

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