Sunday, August 19, 2018

Big Guns

Big guns / Steve Israel, 310 pgs.

Chicago is becoming such a shooting gallery, Mayor Michael Rodriguez starts a coalition of mayors to ban guns.  In retaliation, Otis Cogsworth, the CEO of the larges gun manufacturer in the US, decides to try to find a legislator who will sponsor a bill requiring ALL Americans to own a gun.  Likening it to Obamacare where all Americans were told to have health insurance, this is safety insurance.  Now how do we get this on the field in Washington?  Get your best lobbyist to carry the water.  Sunny McCarthy starts the process while avoiding visiting her home town where her mother is the mayor and a fuzzy headed liberal to boot.  Things get more interesting as the gun measure takes off and nobody knows how to stop it.  This is a hilarious piece of political satire that had me going from the start.  Steve Israel's sophomore effort is even better than his last book.  Thanks to Kara for this recommendation.

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