Monday, June 11, 2018

Failure is an option

Failure is an option: an attempted memoir / H. Jon Benjamin, read by the author, 253 pgs.

Another celeb memoir where the path to success is revealed as ignoring good advice, mismanaging money and allowing your baby who just learned to crawl to eat shit.  And that last part is very literal.  Don't take your eye off the baby in the park is what we learn from this soul baring confessional.  But there are other lessons too.  Like how to manage your health, how to get a good deal on a motorcycle on ebay, and how to make a real impression on the guy who is valet parking your rental car.

Sometimes blazing a trail pays off and sometimes it doesn't.  Like the time you are the one student in a new academic program and it turns out your work is so bad the department tries to pawn you off on another program. Believe me, I can't tell it nearly as well as he can so do yourself a favor and listen to this one. The audio book is a step up from the regular text. After all, this guy *is* a famous voice actor.  So famous he sometimes gets free tea from the shop across the road from his studio.

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