Saturday, April 25, 2015

Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman

Trigger Warning; Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman, 310 pages.
I have found that Neil Gaiman stories are always a treat. I know that this is nothing new or profound, that I am not the first, nor the only one to have discovered this. As there are probably a few people out there who yet don't know that reading the short stories of Neil Gaiman or, better yet, listening to Neil Gaiman read you his short stories can be a profound joy, I will pass along that bit of knowledge. Profound joy.
Some of the stories: "The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains" is available as a stand-alone graphic novel, but it's great hearing it read on CD or as a downloadable  audio, too. "The Sleeper and the Spindle", a retelling of the Sleeping Beauty story, was also recently published as an illustrated tale.
"Orange," ten-pages of numbered answers to questions we don't see, is a quirky and wonderful tale of an angry Scottish (maybe Welsh?) teen transforming into an angry suburban deity.
Shadow, a character who first appeared in Gaiman's classic American Gods, closes out the collection in the excellent story, "The Black Dog."
Gaiman is a master stroyteller, and one of the best readers around.

Check our catalog.
Downloadable Audio.

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