Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey

The Fifth Wave by Rick Yancey, 457 pages.

So the aliens have come and no one really knows what to expect. There are no demands, no communication of any kind, really. What the characters in the book, 16-year-old Cassie, her father, and her 5-year-old brother Sammy among them, do experience, besides confusion and misplaced hope, is wave after wave of destruction. Almost everyone is dead and gone by the time of the fourth wave. No one, not Cassie, not her long-lost and unrequited love, and not any of the child soldiers who are hunting both the aliens and the infected humans have any idea what to expect. There no longer any valid rules about who you can trust, and all of the hope that anyone felt has long vanished. Cassie herself loses almost everything of the little she has left, and as the plot twists and turns she has to decide to either trust someone or give up the struggle to get back a little bit of her life and her family. A really well-written post-apocalyptic tale, but it is as dark and unrelenting as any of them.

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