Thursday, June 7, 2012


Tripwire/Lee Child 417 pages.

Continuing the Reacher saga...late to the game with this as so many other things.  I made some fun of the first two in this series and have to say that they are getting better.  In the first book, Reacher had no problem killing 6 trained assassins with his bare hands...this time he has a little trouble taking out 3 mean guys who are killers but not so professional.  He also takes a bullet and is actually injured and needs to recover.  There are a few other details that are awesome but still so many things that make no sense.  The "person of interest" in this saga is a Vietnam vet whose parent's want to know the truth about what happened to him 30 years ago.  Well, it seems like he moved 50 miles away from them, became a complete bad ass but never bothered to change his name.  Still, he remains a mystery and nobody can find him.  Sure, this is 1999 and there was no google, but please, that does not make a person impossible to find.  Anyway, overlook all those rather obvious things and the book is a lot of fun.  Reacher is still amazing and the St. Louis military record center plays a roll as does the NY Public library.  I will continue reading the series as I have time and I will continue to overlook the craziness of much of it. 

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