Monday, September 17, 2018

Oryx and Crake

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood  376 pp.

This had been on my "to read" list for a long time and I finally got to it. Unfortunately, I didn't particularly care for it but that's just me. The post-apocalyptic story of humanity being ravaged by corporate bio-engineering raises scary possibilities for our own future. However, the love triangle part of the story doesn't really resonate with me. The central character, Snowman (previously known as Jimmy) is a sympathetic character who is just trying to survive after the pandemic caused by Crake's BlyssPluss drug. He is also doing his best to help the human-like beings that were bio engineered and and immune to the pandemic. In his dealings with those beings Snowman's references to Crake give him seem an almost god-like status. The rest of the book is the backstory about Snowman/Jimmy's childhood and meeting Crake and Oryx, the once child porn star. This is the first book in the MaddAddam trilogy but I'm undecided on whether to continue on with the next book.

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