Friday, September 21, 2018

Fear: Trump in the White House

Fear: Trump in the White House by Bob Woodward (2018) 420 pages

Bob Woodward's chronicle of Donald Trump's ascent to the White House begins in 2010 with a conservative activist attempting to get Steve Bannon to meet with Trump, saying he thought Trump was considering running for President. Bannon was dismissive at first, but got behind Trump as Trump showed he was serious about adopting views that would be acceptable to conservative voters. One might say the rest is history.

For those of us who try to keep up with Trump in the news, but in the deluge can't keep all the players straight, nor remember all the twists and turns and personal attacks against the media, the Democrats, immigrants, issues with China and North Korea, etc., Woodward's book organizes, in great detail, events and conversations others have had with Trump, as well as conversations among Trump's staff regarding how to deal with Trump. In this timeline, primarily from his nomination as the GOP candidate in 2016 through March 2018, even though much had been noted in the media, much was eye-opening, too.

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