Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Lady of the Lake


The Lady of the Lake- by Andrzej Sapokowski (1999) 531 Pages 

Continuing on the Witcher's saga, Ciri has discovered she can travel across time and other universes. The problem is, she is trapped somewhere she believe's she cannot leave, and has no idea how to control her gift yet. In this world, there are elves but they are not the same as the ones from her world. She is told she must birth a son with this elf king, in order to return to her own world. She eventually finds out there are more sinister things afoot, when the unicorn that once saved her life in the desert shows up again and shows her how to escape. Together, Ciri, Kelpie and Ihuarraquax (unicorn) begin to magically jump from world to world, running from those chasing her for her power. We observe multiple universes and times from different points of view from other characters, including a universe which is some distance in the future and of Arthurian legends. Nimuae knows the tales of the Witcher girl and has devoted her life to studying these legends of days past. Most people consider them fairy tales. One day, Nimuae and her apprentice are near the lake when a girl, a magestic black mare seemingly appear out amongst the fog. Nimuae had been preparing for this day and knows the witcher girl is lost amongst time. Her and her apprentice open a portal which is the correct time and place for Ciri to return home in order to save Yennefer and Geralt. She jumps through portal and arrives at the castle where Yennefer is imprisoned and Geralt has arrived for the two. Many of the companions of Geralt, including Angouleme, Regis the Vampire, Cahir and Milva all are killed while protecting Ciri or saving Yen and Geralt. The scene ends with Vilgefortz finally being killed. The climax following, however, is Emhyr var Emreis, the White Flame of Nilfgaard and his army arriving just as the clan is leaving the castle. Geralt and Emhyr talk in private where Geralt reveals he know the true identiy of the Emperor. He is Duny, Ciri's father, who was once saved by Geralt and paved the way for him to marry Pavetta, and the child surprise. It is all connected, most sinisterly, as Emhyr has planned everything in order to create the savior of the world, using Ciri's blood. He never loved Pavetta but used her as an incubator in order to create Ciri. He now plans to incestuously impregnate his daughter in order to create yet another life, who would also have Ciri's power, but much more. Geralt somehow, maybe, changes his mind as while him and Yennefer are locked away, Ciri announces that the army, Emhyr, everyone has marched off and they are free. 

More happens, and it is mostly a happy ending with Ciri saving Geralt's life once more, although she must travel across worlds once more and never return. Geralt and Yennefer marry. 

This series absolutely rivals my favorite fantasy series. I would rank it under Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones. I'm so sad it has ended and am so glad I read them! This author was an incredible storyteller. 

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