Sunday, July 14, 2019

Eat To Live

Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD (2003, 2011) 380 pages

Billed as a plan to lose weight, Dr. Fuhrman's book also makes a strong case for its ability to guide us to improve our health -  getting us off medications for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. Fuhrman stresses we should avoid white breads, white rice, and white pasta. Instead, we should fill our plates primarily with vegetables, fruits and whole grains. He does allow for a few treats, but suggests we strictly limit our empty calories and fill up on nutrient-rich items.

A few things I found interesting: he doesn't promote calorie counting, he doesn't think limiting oneself to white meat is any better than red meat, and olive oil should be used as sparingly as butter, margarine and other fats.

The book contains an overview of nutrition, sample menus and recipes, an FAQ section, a glossary and plentiful notes.

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