Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Losers Club

The Losers Club by Andrew Clements 231 pp.

This was a re-read in preparation of the 4th-6th grade book club. Alec is one of those rare kids who reads all the time. He reads so much it is interfering with his school work. The school principal informs him that unless he starts paying attention in class, he will have to attend summer school which will ruin his family's annual vacation. It is also his first year in the after school program and he has to choose an activity but none interest him. He has the opportunity to create his own after school club which he names the "Losers Club" in hopes that no one else will want to join allowing him to just sit and read. Problems arise when it becomes the most popular club in the program and Alec's former friend, now the class bully, sets his sights on the girl Alec is interested in. The book is appended with a long list of all the books mentioned in the story. 

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