Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Seven bad ideas

Seven bad ideas: How mainstream economist have damaged America and the world / Jeff Madrick 254 pgs.

Ouch! For all you economists out there, Madrick makes a good case for calling you posers.  As a lowly undergrad econ major, I've harbored my own doubts about what is actually known and what we are still talking about in theory.  Seems like a lot of theory and very little "known".  But this is an area where many arguments can be made, and they are, so proof is hard.  Maybe because the ideas a a little wobbly.  The seven ideas are all familiar but the last one is the real gutsy one that portends that economics is not a science at all and all this higher math that doesn't give concrete results is proof.  Ok, hold onto your hats and join the ranks of social scientists.  If you do so, you will probably have better results.  At least that is what Madrick is saying.

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