Friday, March 9, 2012

Adios, Nirvana by Conrad Wesselhoeft p. 240

Jonathan's twin brother, Telly, is killed in an accident and Jonathan and his mother struggle to cope with his loss. Jonathan spends most of his time taking stimulants, playing music, and hanging with his "thicks" (their friends). The "thicks" realize Jonathan is having a hard time dealing with the death of his twin so they spend more time with him. He is having problems in school and may not graduate next year so he is given a few projects where he can use his extraordinary writing skills to make up for the work he has not done. One of the projects is writing a book for an old man who was in WWII. This helps both of them cope with their ghosts.
This is a great book, especially if you're into music and poetry. Wesselhoeft covers so many areas that most readers would be able to relate to parts of the book.

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