Friday, March 9, 2012

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie p. 240

Junior is born with fluid on his brain and because of this and the surgeries he had to get some of it out, he has some physical problems. He is a really awkward kid who is picked on and beat up on the reservation. Junior comes to the conclusion that there isn't any hope on the reservation and he would be poor forever if he didn't get off. He transfers to a white school where they mostly seem to accept him. Especially after he joins the basketball team. For a kid, Junior has more traumatic experiences than some adults. Both of his parents drink and he loses many close family members. Trying to succeed and make it off the reservation is going to be a challenge but Junior has heart and he tries.
Great book. It is kind of sad to think a kid could go through so much but there are many children that do face these issues everyday. The way Junior narrates the story makes even some of the sad things funny and you can't help but laugh while reading this depressing tale.

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